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У партнерстві з

  • NIOK Foundation

  • West Africa Civil Society Institute

  • GURT Resource Center

    Портал ГУРТ є щоденним інструментом інформування та використання для лідерів громад, менеджерів громадських, благодійних організацій, донорських структур, соціально відповідального бізнесу, представників органів місцевого самоврядування, органів державної влади та журналістів.  
  • Phambano Technology Development Centre NPC

    is a purpose driven organisation, fast becoming known as the go to solution for technology capacity building in civil society organisations across Southern Africa. 
    Our technology development initiatives allow us to provide once off or ongoing support to organisations in need. 

    The range of services offered by Phambano Technology Development Centre aim to increase the skills and capacity of organisations across Southern Africa, empowering organisations to reach more beneficiaries at a local and global level.
    These include Digital Skills Workshops, an eSafety Programme, Technology Development training and information events as well as a Website Development service offering. 

    Phambano is the Southern Africa Partner of the TechSoup Global Network in 10 countries. 
  • Funky Citizens

  • PDCS (Partners for Democratic Change Slovakia)

    is a non-governmental organization providing professional training and facilitation services, consultancy and advisory services in areas of conflict resolution, support of dialogue in the society, citizen participation and civil society development in Slovakia and abroad. They are the initiators of the European Network for Non-Violence and Dialogue (ENND), a grassroots network established to counter polarizing trends in Central and Eastern Europe.
  • VIA Association (Sdružení VIA)

    is a Czech NGO and its mission is to make technology and associated knowledge accessible to other NGOs in the Czech Republic. Activities and projects are oriented on practical use of IT tools in day to day operations along with advocating and growing NGO capacity.

    The VIA Association was founded in 2005 as a service oriented sister organisation of the Via Foundation. The Via Foundation focuses on the development of civil society, projects aimed at improving non-profit organisations, philanthropy and local donations, deepening people’s participation in public life, and professionalisation of non-profit organisations.

    The VIA Association and Via Foundation together operate an online fundraising tool called darujme.cz. VIA Association and Via Foundation also cooperate on providing IT educational workshops and other events for non-profits. Furthermore, VIA Association offers consultations and workshops in online fundraising and e-mail marketing for NGOs.
  • Metamorphosis Foundation

  • Civic Resilience Initiative (CRI)

  • Baltic Centre for Media Excellence (BCME)

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