Personal and Organisational Resilience


  • Ключові слова:
  • Countering Disinformation
  • Disinformation
  • Fact-checking
  • Resilience
  • Personal and Organisational Resilience
  • Digital Activism
  • OSINT (open-source intelligence)
  • Мови:
  • English
  • polski
  • English
Critical Thinking Methods and Tools for Distinguishing Facts from Fakes and DisinformationThis publication offers practical tools for recognizing disinformation and methods for practicing critical thinking. It provides guidance on identifying disinformation online and defending against it, while also enhancing skills in critically understanding content.The publication features insights from fact checkers and digital trolls.It is divided into four parts. The first part outlines six basic rules for verifying information to avoid falling into the trap of false content. The second part includes exercises to develop vigilance and critical thinking habits. The third part provides step-by-step instructions for spotting fake images and videos. The final part is a collection of websites, tools, and applications that assist in this work.
  • Ключові слова:
  • Digital Security
  • Disinformation
  • Personal and Organisational Resilience
  • Digital Activism
  • Communication
  • Productivity
  • Organizational resilience
  • Мови:
Webinar: Incident Management


Гендерні аспекти лідерства

Гендерні стереотипи досі існують! І не просто подекуди трапляються – вони ще дуже стійкі в певних середовищах. Навколо теми жіночого лідерства продовжують точитися дискусії, а значить, ми ще маємо багато питань у цій площині.

GURT Resource Center | May 19, 2023